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How to start

1. Create an account

For registration in DokioCRM you need to go to Registration form. Enter your name, login, email and password, and click the Registration button. Few seconds later you’ll get the message confirming that your registration has been completed successfully, but you still need to confirm your email.

Check your email inbox and click on the confirmation link to activate your DokioCRM account.
If the link looks like a simple text, then just copy it into browser and click Enter.

If you see the successfull activation message, then your email is confirmed, and the registration is fully complete. Click on the Go to sign in page button, and you will go to the Sign in page. Input your login and password, and you will be logged in.

Congratulations, now you have your own DokioCRM account!

2. Fill in company information

At this stage you need to fill the basic information about your company. This information will be used in the other DokioCRM documents. You can read detailed instructions on how to fill in these fields here .

4. Add products and services

If you purchase and sell some products or services, you need to add these items to the system and set the prices.

Detailed information on how to create a product and set its price is here .

5. Add counterparties

Counterparties are the companies or individuals that you or your company is having a trading or financial relationship with. At least, you should create one or several suppliers and customers.

Counterparty creation is described in detail here .

6. Setting in-stock product balances

If you already have some products in your department, you should set the amount of these products. You can do this with help of the Posting document.

You can find detailed description of this procedure here .

7. Correcting balances

If you already have some money on your bank account or cash room, or you have non-zero mutual balances with your counterparties, you need to correct these values.

To do this, there is the Correction document. The instruction how to correct these values is here .

8. Purchases

To record the purchases from supplier there is the Acceptance document in the Purchases section.

The full process of receiving products into the department of your company from your supplier is described here .

Do not forget to create the payments to the suppliers for your purchases, otherwise you will have the wrong mutual balance with your suppliers. To make a payment record you can use one of the two types of outgoing payment documents: Outgoing payment or Debit slip

9. Shipments

The shipment of products or services to the buyer is registered on the Shipments page of the Sales section.

This process is described here .

Do not forget to create the payments from the buyers for your shipments, otherwise you will have the wrong mutual balance with your buyers. To record a payment you can use one of those two types of incoming payment documents: Incoming payment or Credit slip

10. Writeoffs

If you don't sell some products, but use them for your business operations (e.g. consumables), then one day they might become non-usable. Then you need to adjust the quantity of these products in stock together with reflecting these expenses in the PnL report. For these purposes, you can use Writeoff document.

11. Reports

Reports are needed to control or monitor every aspect of your business.

You're able to control the financial indicators of your company by using the PnL report .

The balances with your counterparties are visualized in the Mutual payments report .

Income, expenditures and your company total amount of money can be viewed in the Money flow report .

Sales volumes for any period of time can be displayed on the start screen of DokioCRM in the Sales volumes section. On the start screen you can also see some others small reports, that reflect practically every aspect of your business.

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